Advanced Configuration¶

RF24Network offers many features, some of which can be configured by editing the RF24Network_config.h file

Configuration Option


#define RF24NetworkMulticast

This option allows nodes to send and receive multicast payloads. Nodes with multicast enabled can also be configured to relay multicast payloads on to further multicast levels. See ESBNetwork::multicastRelay


Fragmentation is enabled by default, and uses an additional 144 bytes of memory.

#define MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE 144

The maximum size of payloads defaults to 144 bytes. If used with RF24toTUN and two Raspberry Pi, set this to 1500


This option will disable user-caching of payloads entirely. Use with RF24Ethernet to reduce memory usage. (TCP/IP is an external data type, and not cached)


Uncomment this option to enable sleep mode for AVR devices. (ATTiny,Uno, etc)


Enable counting of all successful or failed transmissions, routed or sent directly